Reader Revs Up for TV Show Reviews

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: October 24, 2003|Views: 4|



Alias: Done (I finished watching it a long time
Angel: Cooking (Still going strong)
Enterprise: Unwatchable (I tried it, and it became
Jake 2.0: Boring (I tried it and it was very boring, I was
disappointed because it seemed to have a lot of potential)
Joan of Arcadia: Blech!!! ( I gave it two eps and figured
it was a non-SFX show, with religious and feel-good undertones more suited for
families that like Touched By An Angel and Highway to Heaven–not
my kind of show, although I like the players in it: Mary [Steenburgen], Joe,
John Ritter’s son, etc)
– MTV’s Spider-Man: Awesome!!!! (Great animation, especially
Smallville: Smoking ( still going although the talking
scenes between the characters are getting soapy and cheesy. More action,
Tarzan: Done ( I watched the season premiere, but I’m done
with it.)
Charmed is still good and Dead Like Me on Showtime is
awesome. Still looking forward to Skin, Tru Calling and Fearless.
Maybe these shows can help redeem this blah kind of TV season.
— Michael Timpani
Care to agree or refute these takes? Bring It On!

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