Randy Bowen’s Latest
years (and his first ever Chicago appearance) last weekend at Wizard World July
5-7. At his booth, Bowen sold and autographed an exclusive convention edition
chrome-variant of his recently released Silver Surfer mini-bust.
room-spanning line immediately began to form when Bowen opened on Friday, and
all 500 units of this very limited edition were sold in less than two hours.
Though this is the smallest edition Bowen has ever produced, it will undoubtedly
become quite a big mover on E-bay.
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<div>Why would you bother with new-fangled alarm systems when all you really
need to guard your space is James P. Sullivan? Better known as Sulley, this
furry blue scare-miester from <i>Monsters</i>, <i>Inc.</i> can detect motion and
get rid of any unwanted intruders. With his monstrous roar, quotable quips, and
wildly waving purple-spotted arms, he’ll let you know exactly who the boss is.
From Disney Pixar, Roarrring Sulley comes with an enclosed Doorway Background
and a Secret Pass code.<br><br></div>
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