Questioning the Credibility of the Current Catwoman Costume

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 3, 2003|Views: 3|



A few readers lambasted our early casting criticism of the upcoming
Catwoman. And while we’ll admit that protesting Berry in the role may
have been slightly rash, we will not be moved in our gross disappointment in
this week’s first media glimpses at the new Catwoman costume (see
Since when has Catwoman been characterized by bare skin,
impractical open-toed shoes and bizzarro pants with a series of eyelets along
the inner thigh? Though she’s always been considered alluring, the Catwoman we
know allows her sense of intelligence and cunning to define her appeal. Her
purring voice and and come-hither eyes have always been more of a draw than the
amount of skin she exposed.

Could this departure from the pattened
leather unitard be yet another reminder that our beloved Selina Kyle has been
replaced both in body and spirit by the as-yet-unproved character Patience

What do you

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