PezWatch: On the Lookout for All Things Pez

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 5|



It’s the auspicious union of two empires: the ever-broadening world of Pez
has now expanded into the burgeoning Bob the Builder franchise. Both
adult Pez collectors and their Bob-friendly kids will love the four new
additions to the dispenser-family. Bob himself dons his trademark construction
hat, while his best friend Wendy sports a high ponytail with a red hair elastic
and matching red earrings. Bob’s pet, Pilchard, a blue and black striped cat,
wags a curled and protruding tail (so fragile many collectors have found the
tail broken upon package-opening). Bob’s other cohort, Spud the scarecrow,
smiles wanly with wide-set eyes.

As the famed children’s show continues
to forge its path among the classics, each Bob the Builder Pez dispenser
is sure to generate loads of conversation in the years to come.

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