PezWatch: On the Lookout for All Things Pez…

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: November 1, 2002|Views: 6|



They’re as sour as all get out, but that doesn’t stop this colorful
collection of Pez Sourz from having a good time. So what if their tongues are
hanging out and their eyes are bulging out of their assorted fruit heads? Sour
Pineapple Pez has his eyes set on blue skies and sunny days, Sour Watermelon Pez
shows off his Pez team spirit with a backwards baseball cap, Sour Green Apple
Pez is rockin’ and rollin’ to tunes on his headphones and Sour Blue Raspberry
Pez is cool as can be with his florescent shades. Which makes these the sweetest
sours we’ve ever seen.

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