PEZWatch: Magic PEZ

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: April 4, 2003|Views: 4|



We know it’s been awhile since we’ve featured PEZ, but we think this one
certainly makes up for lost time. In red, green or blue, this PEZ Magic Candy
Dispenser not only features a pencil, game and star stickers, but it also allows
you to make your PEZ candy vanish and then reappear with a simple twist of the
dispenser! Just put your PEZ Candy in the bottom dispenser (there’s also a top
dispenser shaped like a wizard’s hat), twist to the right, and viola! Your candy
has disappeared. But don’t fret, all you have to do is reverse the procedure to
make your beloved candy come back again. Shock and amaze your pals with PEZ!




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