Perez Returns to a Monthy Comic Book with Solus #1

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: March 28, 2003|Views: 4|



This past Wednesday, March 26, marked a very exciting day for CrossGen and
for comic book fans all over as Solus #1 hit the stands. This is the book
that, at long last, signified the return of industry legend George Perez to a
monthly title.

Naturally, George’s return has many fans excited. Perhaps
the staff at Wizard put it best, however, when they said, “This cosmic,
star-spanning saga about a woman on the run has us excited like teenaged girls
at a Josh Harnett sighting.”

So if you haven’t picked up your copy yet,
what on earth are you waiting for? The action is fierce and the plot twists will
have you clamoring for more!



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