Opening this Weekend

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 25, 2002|Views: 2|



In The Truth About Charlie, a remake of 1963’s Charade,
Thandie Newton stars as a free-wheeling Parisian who, after a whirlwind trip to
Martinique (sans her hubby), finds her life in shambles. Said hubby has been
mysteriously murdered, and both her bank account and her apartment have been
emptied. Complications ensue…

Horror abounds on the high seas just in
time for Halloween in Ghost Ship, the tale of a sunken ship that a lucky
salvage team (led by the marvelously mercurial Gabriel Byrne)discovers in the
freezing waters of the Bering Sea. As they try to haul the beast back to port, a
series of nightmarish encounters start to threaten the sanity and survival of
the once-expert crew.

Directed by Charles Stone III (of Budweiser
WHASSSSSSUP? fame – thank God that little catch phrase is over), Paid in Full
is the tale of three men growing up in Harlem and their evolution into
big-time drug dealers. Stars hip-hop powerhouse Cam’ron.

Well, if
watching a group of morons perform idiotic and dangerous stunts for the sole
purpose of makin, well, a jackass out of themselves, then you’ll want to run to
the theatre to catch the opening of Jackass: The Movie.

Hayek stars in the title role of Frida, as the wayward artist Frida
Kahlo. With her distictive one eyebrow, illustrious affairs with men, women and
dictators alike and her powerful, disturbing art, Frida (along with her husband
and mentor Diego Rivera) make quite an impact on the mexican, and ultimately
worldwide, art scene. Directed by the enourmously talented Julie Taymor, the
mastermind behind Broadway’s The Lion King.

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