Opening This Weekend

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 11, 2003|Views: 3|



Opening this weekend, we have the ever-amusing Adam Sandler and Jack
Nicholson in Anger Management, a hilarious romp featuring Sandler as a
normally mild-mannered guy whose one poorly timed fit of rage has him, under
judge’s orders, attending anger management classes with the unconventional and
uproarious Nicholson. Arrrrgh!

Next, we have Better Luck Tomorrow,
the story of Ben, an Asian American teen whose perfectionism and overachieving
tendencies ultimately lead him to a discovery of his own dark side. Sex, drugs,
rock-n-roll and the like ensue…

Also opening is “Shock Rocker” Rob
Zombie’s venture into the world of the horror flick with Rob Zombie’s House
of 1,000 Corpses
. This car-breaks-down-on-a-lonely-road tale comes complete
with circus carneys, cannibals, child killers, sadists and one “Dr. Satan.”

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