Opening This Weekend

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 3, 2003|Views: 4|



Denzel’s being double-crossed. And Jack Black is for the children. It’s a
wonderful weekend at the movies, folks.

Upon viewing the early trailers
for Out of Time, starring “Academy Award winner Denzel Washington” (which
is how the voice over emphatically credits him. Hasn’t he been an “Academy Award
winner since, like, the early ’90s?) Dean Cain, Sanaa Lathan and Eva Mendes, we
thought it looked a little cheesy. We saw middle-aged Denzel dangling from a
rickety railing, clearly against a blue screen. We heard Verizon’s “can you hear
me now?” throwback dialogue. We realized that we’d seen Denzel double-crossed
before (Ricochet, anyone? Spike Lee’s X, perhaps?). But then we
found out that Carl Franklin was the director. The same Carl Franklin
responsible for Devil in a Blue Dress, arguably one of Denzel’s most
interesting performances. And then our interest was piqued. Yours should be,
too. This is the first time The New Adventures of Lois & Clark’s Dean
Cain has costarred in anything really promising since his departure from

Need we really say anything about the new Jack Black vehicle, The
School of Rock
? Black is frenetic and witty… the kind of goofy, loud,
obnoxious guy you want to take to all kinds of parties and concerts just to see
what kind of free stuff you can get when he makes a scene. Sure, he flirts
furiously with hyperbole and finds himself dangerously close to self-parody. But
even so, pairing him with 7-year-olds just cannot backfire.

your time at the movies!

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