Oni Press Color Special 2002

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 4|



Oni Press

Each summer, Oni Press assembles the top names on
the roster (and a few new ones, too) and puts out a color special. This year’s
mix includes the work of Warren Ellis, Phil Hester, Ande Park, Gail Simon, J.
Bone, Christine Norrie, Christian Gossett and others. If you haven’t indulged in
any of Oni’s indy-leaning material, this is a great sampler. If you’re already
familiar with the quality of their products, then it’s just a bunch of fun. The
shining jewel among the many different gems in this issue is a brief
introduction to the upcoming mini-series One Plus One written by talented
newcomer Neal Shaffer and illustrated by future superstar Daniel Krall. (We’ve
already seen some of this series and you won’t want to miss it.)

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