Oldest 10.0 Graded by CGC

Categories: Comic News|Published On: March 28, 2003|Views: 4|



Just the other day, Comics Guaranty, LLC announced that they recently
graded the oldest 10.0 (Mint) comic book known to exist. What was it? A 1949
copy of Kolynos Presents The White Guard #1 – a promo comic for Kolynos
toothpaste – discovered along with various items from an old dentist office on
the East Coast.

Of course, promo comics were usually made with cheaper
pulp paper and were more prone to abuse than other comics, making the fact that
this book managed to stay in such gorgeous condition for the past 54 years all
the more extraordinary. And as a matter of fact, this copy predates the next
oldest 10.0 book by 19 years!

“Steve Borock (CGC’s Primary Grader) and I
were in shock when this comic book came across our desks,” said Mark Haspel, a
CGC finalizer and CGC’s pedigree expert. “This may be the oldest 10.0 we will
ever grade!”

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