Noted Historian Visits Diamond

Categories: Comic News|Published On: November 8, 2002|Views: 6|



Acclaimed historical and collectibles author Q. David Bowers, president of
Bowers and Merena Galleries, paid a visit to several of Steve Geppi’s companies
this past Tuesday, November 5, 2002. Included on his visit were a tour of
Diamond Comic Distributors and Diamond International Galleries.

meeting with the staffs of Diamond International Galleries and Gemstone
Publishing turned into an impromptu and enthusiastic discourse on the history of
the United States and how collectibles reflected that history.

made his visit en route to the November 6-9 Bowers and Merena Galleries auction
of the Russell J. Logan and Gilbert G. Steinberg coin and currency collections,
which was hosted by the Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor Hotel at Baltimore’s
historical Inner Harbor.

Accompanying Bowers on the visit were Cris
Karstedt, vice-president of Bowers and Merena Galleries, Melissa Karstedt, sales
associate for Bowers and Merena Galleries, and Laura Sperber, partner – Legend
Numismatics, a longtime advisor to Gemstone Publishing’s price guides.

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