Not-so-Wonderful Wonderland

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: July 19, 2002|Views: 5|



Here is the perfect example of a limited edition that has completely taken
off – even in a secondary market. From American McGee’s horrifying EA GAMES
computer game, a spin on Alice in Wonderland in which Alice returns to find the
place turned into a disease-ridden nightmare, comes a collection of
once-familiar characters gone terribly awry. The collection includes a skeletal
Cheshire Cat, frowning, hunched Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum and a bloody-knife
wielding Alice. Shown here are the Caterpillar, smoking away with wrinkled,
pursed lips – his dreadful little legs jutting out of his plump body in various
directions, and the Mad Hatter – a ghoulish site with crooked finger, huge,
warty nose and a charming spiked cog sticking out of his back. These two
characters in particular, the Caterpillar and the Mad Hatter, are selling at
several times their retail value.


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