Neil Gaiman Raises $3,533 for CBLDF During Auction on eBay

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: March 25, 2005|Views: 5|


This may qualify as the most interesting auction of the year. Neil Gaiman,
one of the outstanding writers and creators of the modern comic book era, is
also known for the high quality of his novels. To drum up support for the Comic
Book Legal Defense Fund, Gaiman decided to auction the right to be immortalized
in his next novel, Anansi Boys.

Neil Gaiman writes in
the solicitation that : “I’ve got to name a currently unnamed cruise ship in
Anansi Boys. I have no idea what to call it, and, a couple of days ago,
realized that my utter lack of inspiration could do good things for the CBLDF.
If you wish, you can bid to have the ship named after you, your loved one, your
dog, or even your favorite word.”

One lucky bidder
took him at his word and paid $3,533.00 to be included in the pages of Gaiman’s
upcoming novel. Right now, the anonymous nature of eBay bidding leaves the
winner nameless. That will change when the book sees release in
