Must Have the Hulk

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: April 18, 2003|Views: 5|



In response to the wild success of the Marvel Must Haves line,
collecting consecutive issues of popular ongoing series, they’ve decided to
release the first volume in a newly expanded publishing initiative: Marvel
Must Haves: Incredible Hulk #50-52

This volume will collect the
first three issues of the current five-part story arc by writer Bruce Jones and
penciler Mike Deodato – featuring the Hulk butting heads with the vile foe the

This much-anticipated book will go on sale May
7th, with a cover price of just $3.99. This is just in time for the
final chapter in the storyline, Incredible Hulk #54, which will go on
sale May 14, and the Hulk film, which will open in theatres June

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