More Men In Black

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 3|



From Burger King, here are two of ten new toys promoting Men in Black
. One toy is currently being included in each Big Kids and Regular Kids
Meal at Burger King, while supplies last. And the truth is, one simply cannot
protect earth and do away with pesky aliens without the help of these essential
tools. The Alien Vision Monocular (below) features an adjustable
eyepiece for magnifying far off objects (and creatures), while the MIIB Agent
Shades are a must for any fashionable secret agent worth their salt. Each toy
also comes with an Official BK Agent I.D. card with an encrypted secret message
only the finest agents will be able to decipher. Other toys include the Alien
Blastin’ Agent J Figurine, the Universal Communicator, Agent J’s Worm Rodeo
Figurine, Bobblin’ Frank the Pug, the Alien Examination Figurine, the Agent K’s
Deneuralyzer Overdrive Figurine, a cool MIB Watch, and a Portable Alien

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