Monsters from the Vault
Whether you fell in love with classic
horror movies while staying up late and watching them on television with hosts
such as Zacherley, Ghoulardi, and Vampira, or whether you only discovered these
fantastic films after the development of videos and DVDs, Monsters From The
Vault has you covered. With it’s beautiful design and sophisticated tone,
this magazine evokes the same familiar magic horror film fans all adore. The
darkly inviting mood and atmosphere, the sensitive, nuanced performances from
some of the best actors that Hollywood had to offer, the polished, satiny black
and white images, and the compelling scripts (which sometimes contained
overripe, but nonetheless charming dialogue) . . . it’s all here to be lived and
re-lived in each issue. Visit their website at
al for the fan of all things <i>MAD</i>, this compendium of the
best and worst <i>MAD</i> television satires comes right on the heels of the
”best-selling” <i>MAD About the Movies</i>. From <i>The A Team</i> to <i>The
X-Files, </i>if you’re mad about <i>MAD</i>, you’ll be madder for <i>MAD About
TV</i>. <br><br><br></div>
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<div><b>Comic Book Marketplace #92</b><br><i>Salute to Joe
Kubert!</i><br><br><i>CBM</i>’s newl