Mid-Ohio Con Update

Categories: Comic News|Published On: November 1, 2002|Views: 2|



As we announced a few weeks ago, The Mid-Ohio-Con, which has been hailed as
one of America’s favorite comic book and pop culture celebrations, is coming up
on November 30th and December 1st at the Hilton Columbus
in Easton Town Center, Columbus, Ohio.

And with each passing day, they
keep adding more and more excitement to their already very impressive schedule
of events.

Among these new additions, there will be a Future Comics
booth (with special guests Bob Layton and Dick Giordano) as well as appearances
from the world-famous science-fiction painter Rowena, Mark Millar, Paul Jenkins,
P. Craig Russell, Jay Geldhof, Jay Hosler, Andy Hallett and Mark

This is really only the beginning – check out www.midohiocon.com for much, much

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