MastroNet’s Sports and Americana Premier Catalog Auction

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: April 18, 2003|Views: 4|



MastroNet’s Sports and Americana Premier Catalog Auction is currently in
full swing, but won’t be for long! This current auction will be running until
April 23 (for Americana), and April 24-25 (for Sports) – and you won’t believe
some of the treasures in these auctions, running the gamut from the truly
exquisite to the truly unique.
For starters, there’s a Newly Discovered Copy of Action Comics #1
CGC VG 4.0, with a current bid at $61,453.00. There’s also the Original Art for
Mickey Mouse “On Ice,” A Disney Feature for Good Housekeeping Magazine
(November, 1935), with a current bid of $35,433.00. Of course, there’s plenty
more to choose from, including yet another hunk of Elvis hair (with a current
bid of $20,897.00) and some amazing sports memorabilia – cards, jerseys, trophys
and so much more. To check it all out, and to get some of your bids in, visit
MastroNet online at!

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