Marvel 2000-2001 Year In Review

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 5|



“Out of the ashes of bankruptcy, comes Bill & Joe’s Marvelous
! A $25.99 (cheap!), somewhat self-indulgent look back at one of
comics’ most tumultuous periods!”

That’s some of the back cover
copy on what is most likely the longest actual title of the year, Marvel
2000-2001 Year In Review: Fanboys and Badgirls, Bill and Joe’s Marvelous
. It’s a pretty accurate description of what you’ll find inside
this volume written by ACTOR President and comics journalist Jim

As one might expect, the volume quotes heavily from Marvel
President Bill Jemas and Editor-in-Chief Joe Quesada about their decisions and
their perceptions of the state of Marvel ranging from the period when Jemas came
on board and Quesada was elevated to E-I-C to the successes of the Ultimate
line, the renewal of Spider-Man, The X-Men and Captain America.

pleasant surprise among the hype, hoopla and industry-tweaking comments is the
inclusion of the “other side” of some issues (A great example of
this is the inclusion of Todd McFarlane’s comments following Quesada challenging
him to get back into drawing comics).

It’s not unbiased comics history,
but it doesn’t pretend to be. And it’s a fun read.
“So far the reaction to this self important, rather egotistical
piece of work has been nothing but spectacular…,” Quesada told Scoop.
“… if I do say so myself!”

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