Lord of the Collectibles

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: October 25, 2002|Views: 5|



With last year’s release of The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the
, Toys-R-Us released four promotional giveaway posters. These bright,
full-color posters feature four different images of characters and scenes from
the first of the epic trilogy. And, because the film was so incredibly popular
(according to www.boxofficemojo.com, it has
grossed well over $300 million so far), merchandise resulting from the film is
similarly popular and steadily increasing in value. Now that the second Lord
of the Rings
film, The Two Towers, will be released in December,
however, collectors should be on the lookout for the whole new onslaught of
merchandise and memorabilia that will undoubtedly be popping up soon.


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