Lilo and Stitch

Categories: Comic News|Published On: July 15, 2002|Views: 5|



He’s ooey, gooey and rather obnoxious, but the world has completely fallen
in love with Experiment 626, also affectionately known as Stitch. And Stitch and
his vivacious pal Lilo have been burning up the box-office, surpassing
Minority Report to rest comfortably in the #4 spot. Featured here is a
fabulous new Stitch toy, spouting alien noises and green slop and shooting at
you with his Quick Draw Lasers. Other Lilo and Stitch merchandise
includes these two premiums, which were offered at select movie openings. One
features the two cohorts smiling charmingly at you, the other an irresistible
Stitch that reads “lost puppy.”



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