Like Father, Like Son
father-son team who have collecting in their blood. Dave, best known for his
phenomenal Superman and Batman collections, is now on a very different mission.
While he’s still on the lookout for a Superman Fo-lee Gum Badge and a boxed
Batgirl Superqueen doll, he told us he’s also trying to amass a collection of
every 1st issue comic published prior to 1960.
His 13 year old
son, Adam, shares his enthusiasm. A Golden Age fan who has had the collecting
bug since birth, Adam most enjoys Funny Animal comics – especially
Super Rabbit. His favorites, in fact, are Super Rabbit #1 and
Looney Tunes #1. Also an avid EC fan, Adam’s first comic ever was an EC
Vault 35.
r feature and Spider-Man enthusiast ROBERT MILLER
celebrated his birthday June 27.<br><br>Gemstone’s RUSS COCHRAN, noted EC Comics
authority and Lord of West Plains, Missouri (if not Lord of the Apes), will be
turning 65 on July 3. Happy Milestone Birthday! <br><br></div>
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<div>The incomparable Stan