Kewpie Magic Drawing Board

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 8|



Remember our recent Did You Know feature on Kewpies? Well, who knew they
were still such a merchandiser’s dream? EJ Toys and Exclusives has rather
recently featured the Rose O’Neill’s Original Kewpie on a Magic Drawing

A favorite relic of childhoods past, the Magic Drawing Board
includes a red plastic, wandlike pen and a magnetic film-and-board combo that
allows you to write, draw and erase with equal ease. Images of cherubic Kewpies
over an adorable pink background adorn the Board and lighten the already festive
design of the classic toy.

As an added bonus, the back of the board
includes an extensive biographical sketch on Kewpie originator Rose

For the collector of early American toys and characters, this
item is a must-have.

�n in the years to come.

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