Just Kids

Categories: Did You Know|Published On: April 18, 2003|Views: 4|



In 1923, a bunch of kids stormed onto the comic strip scene. But there
wasn’t any reason to be alarmed, after all, these were Just Kids.

The kids came from the mind of Baltimore-born creator Augustus Daniels
Carter, better known as Ad Carter. It was while working with the Brooklyn
that he decided to create a strip to send to the syndicates. Lucky for
him, William Randolph Hearst took notice. Hearst, realizing that other
syndicates were running strips that featured gangs of mischievous kids, didn’t
want to go without – so he had Carter revamp a strip he had done in 1916, called
Our Friend Mush, for King Features Syndicate. And before long, the
charming, often hilarious antics of a gang of pals known as Just Kids was
being published daily in newspapers across the country.

With their
baggy clothes, unique hats, rosy checks, downward sloping eyebrows and button
noses, the kids of Just Kids were just adorable. Their faces were
simultaneously stylized and highly expressive – giving them a flair that was
undeniably ’20s but also quite cutting edge. Carter continued many of his Our
Friend Mush
characters, created some new ones, and centered most of their
shenanigans around a smallish town called Barnsville.

There was Mush
Stebbins, a generally wholesome kid who was always up for a good fight. There
was also the portly Fatso Dolan, the Chinese pal Pat Chan, and a gaggle of other
oddities – including a roller skating grandpa, who would flit through panels in
minor supporting roles.

Eventually, Just Kids became a continuity
strip – and the kids’ adventures took them outside of Barnesville and to
mysterious lands where crime-solving escapades could ensue. This kept audiences
riveted and in blissful suspense for many more years, until gradually, by the
late ’40s, things started to dwindle. The daily feature ended in 1947, with the
Sunday strip hanging on for another impressive 10 years – ending just after Ad
Carter’s death.

Just Kids had a fantastic run, with books,
pinbacks, games and many other treasures being produced. Unfortunately, several
readers felt that Just Kids was too similar to Gene Byrnes’ strip,
Reg’lar Fellers, which may’ve cost Carter a few fans. Stay tuned to
Scoop, because next week we’ll look at the Reg’lar Fellers and let
you decide for yourself!

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