Jim Lee Signing for FCBD

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: April 11, 2003|Views: 3|



We are thrilled to report that the man who first suggested Free Comic Book
Day is now joining forces with one of the most in-demand artists in the country!
Yes, Joe Field, owner of Flying Colors Comics and Cards in Concord, CA, will be
spending Free Comic Book Day hosting a signing with current Batman
artist, Jim Lee!

Jeph Loeb, Jim Lee and Scott Williams’ take on the Dark
Knight is so popular with fans right now that several issues have gone to second
printings, and DC plans to release a collection of the their first story arc,
Hush, in hardcover format on April 30. This will be just in time for Free
Comic Book Day and the signing, both of which are scheduled for May

“Being at Flying Colors for Free Comic Book Day makes a lot of sense,”
said Jim Lee. “The very first store signing I ever did was at Flying Colors’
Grand Opening. At the time, Joe was passionate about running a professional,
family friendly store devoted to the art form of comics, and I was just a rookie
penciller looking to make his first deadline. At least one of us was successful
in our individual quests! But in all seriousness, Joe’s been a great advocate
for the comic book business. His brainchild, Free Comic Book Day, is just one of
his many terrific ideas. I’m proud and honored to be a part of this year’s Free
Comic Book Day at the very store where both our careers were first getting
started nearly 15 years ago.”

For more information on what promises to be
a spectacular event, visit http://FlyingColorsComics.com

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