Jay Parrino’s The Mint

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 4|



The Scoop recently talked to Bill Hughes of The Mint about their
most recent auction, an event that boasted a first issue of Fantastic
in NM 9.4 condition that sold for $111,328 – the most ever paid for a
Silver-Age comic book.

Bill’s comments on this auction, and the hobby at
large, were very inspiring. Here’s what he had to say:

“This auction was
a great success in more than one way. First, it proved that the hobby of
collecting is still extremely resilient considering the frequency of comic
auctions of late. It further demonstrated that there are far more collectors
involved than most dealers seem to realize. It was clear that there was a
difference in the “style” of bidding of those participating in The Mint auction
compared to the bidding patterns of participants in other auctions.

customers did not hesitate to pay 10 to 20 times guide for many high-grade
certified comics offered, which is not surprising considering that we’re well
known for shattering previous records paid.”

Keep your eyes on The
for more on The Mint and other record-breaking auctions!


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