It’s Better the 33rd Time Around

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 11, 2003|Views: 4|



Since 1970, only one price guide to American comic books has been
considered “The Bible” for serious collectors… and the new
33rd edition of The Official Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide
is due out Wednesday, April 16.

While others have come and gone, The
Official Overstreet Comic Book Price Guide
has maintained its stature as the
best reference source covering more than 100 years of comic book history. Now
the Guide features six pricing columns. In addition to the four
columns featured previously, it now includes columns for VG 4.0 and VF/NM 9.0,
making it – if possible – even more comprehensive! As a result, the size of the
book also increased slightly to 6.5” x 9.25” — and we’re betting
people are going to love it!

It is simply the essential tool for
the casual fan or the diehard collector, and it includes market reports, key
sales, well-researched pricing, in-depth historical information, tips on grading
and collecting, a section on promotional (giveaway) comics, special sections
featuring the Victorian Age and Platinum Age, and the most complete record of
comic books from the 1800s to the present. The 2003 edition features a choice of
covers spotlighting All-Star Comics #8 recreated by John K. Snyder III
(Green Lantern: Brightest Day/Blackest Night) and Marvel Comics #1
recreated by Silver Age legend Murphy Anderson, both available in hardcover and
soft cover.

Look for it at a shop near you!

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