Iron Man #73

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: October 3, 2003|Views: 4|



Marvel Comics; $2.99

John Jackson Miller (Crimson Dynamo)
takes over as writer and Jorge Lucas begins illustrating the adventures of Iron
Man with this issue, and they nail it the first time out of the box. When new
weapons systems start going haywire, people in the President’s administration
turn to Tony Stark, who long ago left munitions and weapons systems development
behind him. Except for the Iron Man armor, of course. Other forces in the
government would rather him not involved (to put it mildly) at all, and things
heat up quickly. Miller and Lucas turn what could be just another
government-wants-Stark-back-making-weapons tale into a great story and a
wonderful set-up for things to come. We’ll be reading this one.

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