In Memoriam: William Steig

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 4|



William Steig, an illustrator for The New Yorker who was known as
the “King of Cartoons” for his award-winning, best-selling children’s books, has
died. He was 95.

Steig died of natural causes Friday night at his home in Boston, said his
agent, Holly McGhee.
Steig sold his first cartoon to New Yorker editor Harold Ross in
1930 and was hired as a staff cartoonist.
Over the following seven decades, he produced more than 1,600 drawings and
117 covers for the magazine. He also wrote more than 30 children’s books,
inducing Newsweek to dub him the “King of Cartoons.”
He began writing children’s books when he was 60. His third, “Sylvester and
the Magic Pebble,” received the prestigious Caldecott Medal in 1970.
His 1990 book about a green monster, Shrek!, was made into the hit
film that in 2002 became the first winner of an Oscar in the new category of
best animated feature. In a 1997 Boston Globe interview, he said he gave the
filmmakers ideas for the script.

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