In Memoriam: Florence Stanley

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 4|



Known for her work on Broadway and as a regular on TV’s Barney
, actress Florence Stanley died October 3 of stroke complications. She
was 79.

She appeared on Broadway in Fiddler on The Roof, The
Prisoner of Second Avenue
and was in the Manhattan Theater Club’s What’s
Wrong with This Picture?
before heading to Hollywood.

post-Barney Miller TV appearances include Judge Margaret Wilbur on My
Two Dads
, as well as numerous guest roles on shows including Dharma &
, Malcolm in the Middle and The Family Guy.

Chicago native and graduate of Northwestern University, Stanley had film roles
in this year’s Down With Love and was the gravelly voice of Wilhelmina
Packard in the 2001 animated film Atlantis: The Lost Empire.

In addition to husband Martin Newman, she is survived by two
children and two grandchildren.

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