In Memoriam: Cecile de Brunhoff

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 11, 2003|Views: 4|



In other sad news, the woman behind the creation of the adorable Babar the
Elephant, Cecile de Brunhoff, has died at the age of 99 in Paris. De Brunhoff
created the story of a young orphaned elephant and his Parisian adventures as a
bedtime story for her sons, but it was her husband who took the tale to
worldwide popularity.

Painter and illustrator Jean de Brunhoff created
an image to go with his wife’s elephant, as well as a crew of charming
supporting characters. With Paris as their backdrop, the crew was destined to
delight. 1931 saw the publication of The Story of Babar – the first of
dozens of Babar books that would be published both by Jean and son
Laurent. Cecile never wanted any credit for her contributions to the stories,
but her influence has been – and will continue to be – felt by

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