Hey! Is This a Trick Question?

Categories: The Spotlight|Published On: October 3, 2003|Views: 3|



A few of you decided to go against the grain and opt for write-in answers
to last week’s Tom Terrific quiz.

Lou Ann of Delaware answered E.) All of
the above.

Steve of Austin, Texas answered E.) The theme song. (“I’m Tom Terrific
the greatest hero ever…” Gee, I recall the tune but not all the
Well, Steve, what are we, if not here for you? Feast your eyes on the
lyrics of Tom Terrific, in their entirety:
I’m Tom Terrific. The greatest hero ever.
Terrific is the name for me, because I’m so clever.
I can be what I wanna be
And if you’d like to see…
Follow, follow me.
If you see a plane on high
A diesel train go roaring by
A bumblebee or a tree…
It’s me!
When there is trouble,
I’m there on the double.
From Atlantic to Pacific,
They know Tom Terrific!
… A-a-and Manfred the Wonder Dog
As Tom’s faithful companion.
As an added bonus, we thought you’d like Crabby Appleton’s theme
My name is Crabby Appleton
I’m rotten to the core
I do a bad deed every day
and sometimes three or four
I can’t stand fun for anyone
I think good deeds are sappy
I laugh with glee, it pleases me
When everyone’s unhappy!

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