Heritage December Signature Auction
auction is anything like Heritage’s previous Signature Auctions, then you won’t
want to miss out!
Heritage is currently wrapping up production on the
catalog for this extraordinary event, which will be held in Dallas. The catalogs
(which feature an incredible cover recreation by the esteemed and beloved EC
& MAD artist/editor Al Feldstein), will be going out in the mail in about a
week, and if you act right now, you can preorder catalogs for the next three
Signature auctions for only $100 (a $150 value)! Furthermore, if you type the
word “COUPON” in the Promo Code box, Heritage will include a $100 coupon good
towards any purchases you make in those auctions. Check it out at www.heritagecomics.com, and
count on Scoop in the coming weeks to bring you all the latest!
unday - which is not too shabby for a show that’s going into
it’s 14<sup>th</sup> season! Find out more about <i>The Simpsons </i>and all
your other T.V. faves by clicking <A
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<div>As always, the most recent Amazing Comics Auction (sale #12111) was an
indisputable s