Heritage ACA and Catalog Offers

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: October 3, 2003|Views: 9|



Heritage’s current ACA ends this Sunday, October 5 at 10 pm PST. It’s your
last chance to get in on all the steals featured in last
week’s Scoop

Also, as Wizard World Texas approaches,
Heritage prepares for its Signature Auction by offering you a deal on its four
auction catalogs. You can order all the catalogs for only $50 (a $200.00 value).
And if you act right now, you can preorder catalogs for their next three
Signature auctions for only $100 (a $300+ value). Wait! There’s more! If you
type in the promo-code “COUPON” they’ll include a $100 coupon good towards any
purchases you make in those auctions!


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