Heritage ACA #13101 Results

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 6|



Heritage’s Amazing Comics Auction (ACA) sale #13101 ended Sunday, October
5, with 1,255 lots offered. 562 bidders placed bids, and 298 of them were
successful, for a total sell-through of $105,764.30 for 1,200 lots (95.61% of
lots offered).

A few highlights from the 10/05/03 ACA sale

Prize Comics #5 Mile High pedigree (Prize, 1940) CGC NM+
9.6 White pages. (Realized $3,220.00)

The Human Torch #6
(Timely, 1942) CGC VF/NM 9.0 Cream to off-white pages. (Realized

Cyclone Comics #2 Mile High pedigree (Bilbara, 1940)
CGC NM- 9.2 White pages. (Realized $2,127.50)

Captain America Comics
(Timely, 1941) CGC FN 6.0 (Realized $1,667.50)

– John Buscema and
Ernie Chan – Original Art Splash Page for Conan the Barbarian #72, page 1
(Marvel, 1977). (Realized $1,552.50)

Bidding closed October 5, at 10pm
CT. To bid in future auctions, simply go to Heritage’s web site http://www.HeritageComics.com,
and join their free web community.

Heritage’s current ACA auction ends
(and a new one begins) October 19, at 10pm CT.


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