Hate Mail: Comic Strip Controversies

Categories: Comic News|Published On: March 28, 2003|Views: 4|



An interesting exhibit at San Francisco’s Cartoon Art Museum sheds some
light on a not-so-funny aspect of the funnies. “Hate Mail: Comic Strip
Controversies,” which began running on January 25 and will continue through June
8, is a look at some of the more controversial strips in recent years and the
letters from readers – both enraged and inspired – regarding them.

exhibit looks at everything from socially controversial topics such as Lynn
Johnston’s 1993 introduction of a gay character in For Better or for
to politically controversial topics such as Aaron McGruder’s post 9-11
comparison between Ronald Reagan and a terrorist aiding Osama bin Laden in
The Boondocks. It also examines artists such as Doonesbury‘s Garry
Trudeau, who has been causing a stir in the strips for 33 years, as well as the
younger generation of rebel-rousers including Liberty Meadows
Frank Cho. For more on this and other exciting exhibits at the Museum, visit
them on the web at www.cartoonart.org.

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