Hake’s Americana Auction #173

Categories: Auctions - Prices|Published On: April 4, 2003|Views: 6|



Well, we’ve said it before and we’ll say it again – Hake’s Americana
Auction #173 was a record-breaking extravaganza! 3,260 glorious vintage
collectibles closed on April 1st, with 83 distinct categories
representing every decade from the 1840s – 1990s. And not only were records
broken with the “Tonto, Dan Reid and The Lone Ranger” Merita Bread Premium
Picture that sold for $29,069.00 and the Rare Tarzan Signal Oil Co. Complete
Picture Puzzle Premium that sold for $10,573.00, but all across the board prices
soared and enthusiasm ran high. Check out these highlights, and for complete
results, visit www.hakes.com!



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