Good Bust, Bad Bust

Categories: Catch the Wave|Published On: October 18, 2002|Views: 6|



The latest in Randy Bowen’s mini-busts include two classic comic figures –
one good and one evil. First, we have the youngest member of the original
X-Men, the ultra cool Iceman. With his white-blue body, clear eyes,
shining bald head and drippy base, why would anyone bother with boring swans
when they could make Iceman the centerpiece of their next party? Our next
mini-bust comes in the form of the vile Baron Zemo, destroyer of justice and
freedom and all good things that Captain America stands for. His clenched hands,
purple body, gold embellishments and sinister eyes are the antithesis of the
brave and admirable Captain! Both of these mini-busts stand at 5 ½”
tall, and are gorgeously hand-painted and ready to display.

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