Golden Star Library Presents Walt Disney Stories

Categories: Did You Know|Published On: October 3, 2003|Views: 3|



Did you know that in 1967, Golden Press released a 12-book Walt Disney
story series? Initially sold for 59 cents a piece, the numbered Golden Star
Library books featured full-color art pages and fairy tale adaptations by
several premier children’s writers and illustrators of the time. Jay O’Brien,
Marie Ponsot, Marielle Sohier, Kathleen N. Daily and Kathryn Jackson were among
the writers. The titles included in the series were Walt Disney’s Pinocchio,
Walt Disney’s Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella
(though they’re housed in
between the same front and back book cover, never the twain distressed damsels
shall meet), Autumn Tales, Animal Tales, Walt Disney’s Snow White, Adventure
Tales, Springtime Tales, Winter Tales, Animals of the Little Wood, The
Adventures of Henry Rabbit
and Walt Disney’s Peter Pan.

sure to click on the images to the right and below this article for a detailed
look at the decorative covers of each miniature storybook.

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