Give to Charity, Get Mister Magoo Comics at Mid-Ohio-Con

Categories: Comic News|Published On: October 3, 2003|Views: 2|



Everyone loves Mister Magoo! And here’s one more reason to love him even
more! This year at Mid-Ohio-Con, when you make a donation of $5.00 or more to
the Charity Jar, you not only get to help fund the research for the American
Diabetes Association, you get to walk off with a copy of the official 40th
anniversary comic adaptation of Mister Magoo’s Christmas Carol. Writer
Chris Yambar, artist George Broderick, Jr., and inker Ken Wheaton will be on
hand to sign your copies too!
Those unable to attend this Thanksgiving weekend event can still
participate in the charity giving by sending their minimum $5.00 donation plus
$3.00 postage to: Chris Yambar, PO Box 1260, Youngstown, Ohio 44501-1260.
Outside of the USA and Canada please add an additional $2 for postage. All
donations sent will go directly to the Charity Jar at the Mid-Ohio-Con. All
comics will be sent by December 15, 2003.
The 24th annual Mid-Ohio-Con will be held November 29 & 30 at the
Hilton Columbus: Easton Town Center in Columbus, Ohio. For more about the show,
including a full guest list, ticket info and more, go to

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