Get Caught Reading

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 11, 2003|Views: 5|



Donald Duck was caught. Laura Bush was caught. Sammy Sosa was caught. Why
haven’t you been caught reading yet? Get Caught Reading is a nationwide public
service campaign that was launched by the Association of American Publishers in
1999. And since then, dozens of celebrities have hopped on the reading wagon to
help promote the campaign’s exceedingly important message that reading inspires,
empowers, educates, entertains and touches the soul. This is especially
noteworthy, as May is officially “Get Caught Reading” month. Check
it all out online at,
and be sure to visit your local bookstores and libraries throughout the month of
May for special promotions and activities. And, when you do get caught reading,
why not send us a picture to share with other Scoop readers?


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