Gabriel’s Trumpet: Comic Books and Radio

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 4, 2003|Views: 4|



Interplay is our foundation.

A wise woman once said to me “I
see no connection between radio, television, and comic books.” Any able-bodied
comic book fan can refute that with their eyes closed. One of the greatest
blends right now of radio and comic books is a show called Fanboy
Radio. From station KTCU in Dallas, Texas, you can hear live or archived
shows (I enjoy #61) on the Internet at

Radio is the brainchild of Scott Hinze. A difficult project to get
started, the show started off small. The first incarnation was a late-night
electronica music show featuring house, trance, neo-disco, and all sorts of
dance music. During the long tracks, they the lowered music and talked about
movies, TV, video games and comics. The KTCU Station Manager had such a reaction
from the comic book reviews that he let them take a shot at a 30-minute talk
show. After success with initial guests Joe Quesada, Brian Bendis, Steve Niles,
Chuck Dixon and Greg Rucka, Fanboy Radio was expanded to an hour.
Positive feedback came rolling in, and the show moved to a live format and
eventually to two hour-long shows a week. According to Scott, they have nearly
4,000 listeners per show, a number that grows with each broadcast.

told me, “my favorite person to interview was Laura Martin (then Laura DePuy) of
CrossGen comics. Not only was she a tip-top name in the industry, she
had a chance to tell our audience just what steps she takes in creating her
Eisner Award-winning colors. Coloring is the most underrated work in comics
today. Pick up any modern comic and one from the “Big Boom” of the late 80’s and
you’ll see the biggest difference-digital color. Laura has mastered this new
artform, and having her tell the world in her own sweet voice about her creative
process, career, future projects and working at CrossGen was a major treat. The
fact that she represents the fangirls in the audience wasn’t too bad

Scott invites the comics creators that he reads and enjoys to
the show. Pretty simple. He won’t fake interest in a book he hasn’t read or
knows nothing about. The fanboy in me just had to know what his top books
are right now- X-Statix (Marvel), Way of the Rat (CrossGen),
Batman (DC), 100 Bullets and Fables (vertigo)… a nice,
diversified sampling.

Fanboy Radio is a weekly radio talk
show about the comic book industry, its art, creators and fans. It can be heard
each Sunday at 6:00pm CST and Wednesday at 1:00pm CST in North Texas on KTCU
88.7 FM – The Choice and worldwide via
KTCU streaming audio.

Until next time…

This is a weekly
column from our friend David Jay Gabriel, Executive Director and Founder of the
New York City Comic Book Museum. You can find out more about the museum at

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