FV2: The Art of Matt Busch

Categories: Comic News|Published On: November 1, 2002|Views: 3|



Going to be in Michigan on November 14? Because you won’t want to miss out
as renowned visual artist Matt Busch hosts “Fantastic Visions 2 (FV2): The Art
of Matt Busch” at the Emerald Theater in Mt. Clemens (31 N. Walnut, Phone:
586-913-1920). Busch, whose work includes promotional posters, video and DVD
covers, and storyboards for hits such as Star Wars (Episode I and
Episode II), The Matrix, ConAir, The Devil’s
Own, Home Alone 3
and The Mummy, will be showing several digitally
animated shorts and premiere the animated trailer for his critically acclaimed
illustrated screenplay Crisis. Live music will be provided by some of
Detroit’s best bands, and plenty of original art (as well as some of Busch’s
books) will be on sale. Doors open at 7 p.m., tickets are $5 through
Ticketmaster and $7 at the door for this 18 and over event.

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