Frankly Speaking, It’s the Avengers

Categories: Comic News|Published On: July 19, 2002|Views: 3|



When it was announced this week that fan favorite artist Gary Frank
Midnight Nation) had signed an exclusive deal with Marvel Comics and
that he’d be feeling in on two upcoming issues of
The Avengers,
Scoop contacted Avengers writer Geoff Johns (JSA,
Flash) and editor Tom Brevoort to get the inside news about the
involvement of the artist who had just completed his run on Top Cow’s
Midnight Nation. Frank, also noted for a previous run on Incredible
Hulk, will be illustrating The Avengers #61 and 62.You can also
read more about Geoff Johns in this issue’s Superstars.

Were there
any difficulties logistically in the transition between outgoing regular writer
Kurt Busiek and Geoff Johns as the new regular writer for The Avengers?

Tom Brevoort: Not really, no. Kurt and Geoff spoke before he started, so
he knew where Kurt would be leaving everything and everybody.

seems to have a pretty solid fan following on JSA. To long established
Avengers fans the appeal of the book is obvious, but how would you describe it
to someone who might be thinking of checking it out for the first time because
they’re a fan of Geoff’s other work?

Brevoort: It’s Geoff playing in the
big league. It’ll have all of the strengths of Geoff’s other work-the
chilling-yet-relatable menaces, the strong characterization, and the tendency to
pull the rug out from under the readers-but more and bigger. The Avengers are
the A-list team of the Marvel Universe, so they tend to be more
front-and-center, more in the thick of things than the JSA, who by
definition have to defer to the JLA. No such restrictions apply to the Avengers,
as will be readily apparent by the end of Geoff’s first arc, “World

Geoff, is this a story you’ve tailored to Gary Frank’s
particular strengths or is it simply the next story in continuity that you were
ready to tell?

Geoff Johns: A little of both. I knew generally what the
issues were going to be about, but didn’t start scripting until I knew who was
drawing them. Gary Frank is amazing, and the whole time I was writing I was
just thinking-“I can’t wait to see his She-Hulk.” So certain scenes changed a
bit after I new Gary was on board.

Where do the Gary Frank issues fit

Brevoort: They fit in between #60–the concluding chapter of “World
Trust”-and #63, “Stand Off”. They’re two quieter stories, a breath taken between
Earth-shattering epics, heavy with character insight, and a few

What do you think he’s bringing to the book that is unique
to him?

Johns: Beautifully rendered heroes and a very flawless look-it’s
like no line is out of place.

Do you see him doing more with the
characters after these issues?

Brevoort: To a certain degree, that’s up
to Gary. We’re glad that he’s back at Marvel, and would welcome any further
involvement with the Avengers that he’d like to have.

You’re at a
point where you’ve been working on the book for some time now and you’re first
issues are soon to reach the public. Are you looking forward to the

Johns: Sure. I really can’t wait to for the reaction to

You’ve seen finished product that fans won’t see for some time
yet. What do you think of the progress of your Avengers run so far?

Johns: So far, so good-and next year is going to be even

here for more about the Avengers!

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