Frankenstein Mobster #0

Categories: Off the Presses|Published On: October 10, 2003|Views: 4|



Image Comics; $2.99

At long last, the build-up and wait is over.
Mark Wheatley’s “made man” is finally out and about, and we’re happy
to say it was worth the wait. The story of Terry Todd, a recently deceased cop
who finds himself revived and sharing his head with the minds of three hoodlums,
is lots of fun. Wheatley is the co-creator of Hammer of the Gods (with
Michael Avon Oeming), as well as being the creator or co-creator of
Breathtaker, Mars, Radical Dreamer and many other cool
comics. There are two covers, one by Wheatley and the other by Wonder
cover artist Adam Hughes.



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