Focus on the Early Days

Categories: Comic News|Published On: April 18, 2003|Views: 3|



If you’ve seen the latest Coin Dealer Newsletter for pricing on
coins, dated April 11, you’ll notice that the very early period of coins – large
cents, bust dimes, quarters, halves and silver dollars from 1793-early 1800s –
have many plus prices on them. This is clearly in sync with the sports market,
where (as you can see in the most recent MastroNet auctions), prices on
memorabilia from the early days of the hobby (the 1880s – 1920s) are
skyrocketing. Especially in the case of cards like the Gypsy Queen, Hassan
Triple Folders, Turkey Red, Fatima, Old Judge and Allen and Ginter, as well as
bats, balls, rings, trophys, song sheets, die cut signs, yearbooks, programs,
scorecards and others.

We think it’s clear that the beginning years
of these hobbies are starting to appeal to more and more collectors, both young
and old, as new information is being discovered – and that’s a large part of
what’s driving prices to new records. We’ve also seen some signs of this in the
comic character hobby (for example, a piece of Yellow Kid art recently sold for
six figures, and vintage art from key characters like Flash Gordon, Gasoline
Alley, Mickey Mouse, Prince Valiant, Tarzan, Donald Duck, Little Nemo and many
others are also bringing top prices), and while we can’t say whether it will
reach the same extraordinary level as in coins and sports memorabilia, we
thought we’d bring it to your attention.

A few think that time is the
enemy of a hobby because people may forget things over time, but, as we’ve
expressed before, that is nonsense. Time is really a blessing. The more time
associated with a hobby, the more credibility it has. And, since we’re now
celebrating 120 years since the Brownies, it’s becoming evermore clear that
comic character collecting is a hobby related to the history of our society.

The real enemy at hand is lack of information. That’s why we’re trying
to explain as much as we know to all ages, and trying to document characters
from the past 120 years that range from the Brownies to Jimmy Neutron. And
that’s why we want to direct your attention to this week’s The Main
. Richard Olson, PhD, has written the second installment of our study
of the history behind comic character collectibles and the hobby that we
cherish. Check it out, and be sure to read the first part of the story in
Scoop 4-4-03. Stay tuned to the next two weeks as well, for parts three
and four. Enjoy, and as always, we welcome your suggestions and feedback!

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