Flashlight Guns

Categories: Did You Know|Published On: October 25, 2002|Views: 3|



Since the early days of space heroes, characters such as Buck Rogers have
always carried around trusty flashlight guns. And did you know that in the early
’60s, these guns became incredibly popular with kids, too? Much like the squirt
guns (see Scoop 9-13-02 for more) of the ’40s and ’50s, flashlight
guns were, well, a surefire way to make you a hit with all the other kids. Of
course, with flashlight guns, you didn’t have to worry about being suspended
from school for soaking teachers like you did with the squirt guns. Not that
they looked too terribly different, though. This flashlight gun (above right),
for example, is of bright red plastic – but instead of filling it with water,
you’d fill it with batteries. And the light (which was activated by pulling the
trigger) guaranteed hours of fun, day or night.

See below for Buck Rogers
flashlight guns – in green, red and yellow – available through Hake’s Auction

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