First and 4 Most

Categories: Did You Know|Published On: July 26, 2002|Views: 6|



When letters started pouring in to the editors of Blue Bolt and
Target Comics back in the early 40’s, they knew they had two great hits
on their hands. Problem was, the fans of these comics wanted more. They wanted
more of the All-American Kit Carter the Cadet in Target and more of the
orphan-child-turned-wonder-boy Dick Cole in Blue Bolt so much
more that the editors simply didn’t have the space.

The editors did,
however, along with the artists and writers for these comics, believe that the
“clean-living, straight-shooting American boy type” represented in these books
stood for “the ideals of liberty, honor, integrity and manhood” – a worthy cause
that they knew would never lose popularity. And that made it essential that they
deliver what their fans wanted.

So what they did was create 4
comics – the four most popular comic strips from Blue Bolt and
Target – with Dick Cole, Kit Carter the Cadet, the chivalric Target and
his Targeteers, and Junior Air Raid Warden Eddie Bell.

Published every
three months, 4 Most combined the thrill of character adventures with
feel-good patriotism in every issue. They also featured projects kids could do
to make them feel more like their favorite characters – such as Eddie Bell’s
Wind Velocity Machine and Junior Air Raid Warden Listening Post.

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